school choice Educrats Know Better Than Parents About School Choice,Wow. that is how one nameless (to me) Michigan State Representative responded to her.
Shane Vander Hart is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of theCaffeinated Communications Networkof which Caffeinated Thoughts is a part. Shane has been involved in youth ministry since 1992 in church, para-church, and Christian school settings, and currently works with juvenile offenders in the Des Moines Metro area. He has also been an interim pastor for a local Evangelical Free Church and provides pulpit supply for area churches. Shane also serves as the Communications Director forAmericaschool choice Educrats Know Better Than Parents About School Choicen Principles Projectwith theirPreserve Innocence Initiative. Shane has been married to his wife Cheryl since 1993 and they have three kids. Shane and his mily reside near Des Moines,
IA. You can connect with Shane onFacebookor follow him onTwitter.Now let&8217;s not be too shocked about this statement. She just said aloud what many in her field believes, but just haven&8217;t articulated yet.
Sticks and Stones: Why I&8217;m Proud to be an &8220;Educrat&8221;(
At least that is what Debbie Squires of the Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principles told the Michigan House Education committee. She believes that parents dont know what is best for their children.
Appropriate? Mich. School Students Write Letters to Gov. During Class Time About Budget Cuts(
Pro-Communism Flyer Handed Out at Roosevelt High Schoolschool choice in Des Moines (Updated: Roosevelt High School responds)
Heres the video below:
EducationTagged with:Debbie Squires,Education,Michigan,Michigan House Education committee,school choice